Archetypes in our Lives – Part One – Introduction
Do patterns of behavior exist that we fall into without even knowing it?
Yes and no.
This past year I’ve done a deep dive into the idea of archetypes, learning much from researcher, author, and speaker K.M. Weiland. ‘
Archetype Definition and Benefits
Psychologists define archetypes as “universal, inborn models of people, behaviors, or personalities that play a role in influencing human behavior.” As an author, I’ve had fun discovering specific archetypes, or patterns of behavior in movies and in the stories I’ve read. You find them everywhere because these patterns are part of our “DNA,” reinforced and made visible through literature and media. Once understood, writers can use these patterns to create well-rounded characters and strengthen their story’s plot. A grasp of these patterns and how they’ve helped or hindered our lives can also free us to better follow our God-given dreams.
I presented a talk on these ideas to my ACFW-DFW group in January. Here’s a link to the talk if you’d like to get an overview of what I’ll discuss in this year’s blogs.
Each month in 2022 I’ll give an example of an archetype as it relates to a specific age bracket. There are many, but I’ll only focus on eight. This month I’m providing an introduction. Next month, I’ll focus on the “Child” archetype, ages 6-11.
Here’s a link to a pdf of what I call the “Archetype Wheel.” The pdf of the wheel provides hot links to each archetype as discussed by Weiland. Download the link below to discover the imbedded urls for each archetype. The image shown here does not have hot links.
Personal Impact
As a Christian, I want to embrace all God has for me. Understanding how past triumphs and tragedies have impacted my life helps me make sense of where I am now. It also empowers me to press closer to God, warts and all (with unveiled face) so he can transform me into all I can be. As 2 Corinthians 3:18 says, “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”
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